The Services for People Living with Disabilities (SPLD) Division provides clients with connections to employment, critical mental health counseling, and a wide range of services that address the whole individual. Many Brooklyn residents who participate in SPLD programs cannot pursue vocational training or placement due to the degree of their mental illness or intellectual disability. This division works to reduce stigma around mental health illness, while encouraging and supporting self-determination in the lives of our clients.

Day Services

Community Habilitation
Community Habilitation is an individualized community-based service for people with intellectual disabilities. Staff work in participant homes on a one-to-one basis to build skills in independent living, money management, community safety and travel, and job readiness.


Day Habilitation/Day Habilitation Without Walls
The Community for All Day Habilitation Program provides adults with intellectual disabilities a comprehensive range of services. Participants learn to navigate their communities through speech and occupational therapy, volunteer opportunities, creative art and expression groups, and more.

691 Fulton St., 2 Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11217

Employment Services

Community Based Prevocational Program
The Community Based Prevocational Program prepares participants living with developmental disabilities for future employment through volunteer work in the community at retail stores, senior centers and other community sites of their preference.

691 Fulton St., 2 Fl, Brooklyn, NY 11217

Developmental Disabilities Vocational Support Services
The Developmental Disabilities Vocational Support Services Program is a 12 month program that prepares individuals for employment through individual counseling, situational assessments, and pre-placement group work.

151 Lawrence St., 4th Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11201

Diagnostic Vocational Evaluation
The Diagnostic Vocational Evaluation is a ten day vocational assessment that evaluates a participant’s work abilities, academic level, and personality traits to determine a suitable career path. Participants and staff discuss the results and collaborate on a training plan.

151 Lawrence St., 4th Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11201

Job Placement
Job Placement services equip individuals with the skills necessary to obtain and retain employment through training in interviewing, workplace behavior, and more. Participants are registered with the local One-Stop Career Center, and perform individual job development activities like following up on job leads.

151 Lawrence St., 4th Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11201

Pathways to Employment
Pathways to Employment is a 12 month program that helps individuals identify a career or vocational direction of interest. Through job readiness training, participants develop a detailed career plan for achieving competitive, integrated employment at or above the New York State minimum wage.

151 Lawrence St., 4th Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11201

Supported Employment Program
The Supported Employment Program offers workplace assessments, job placement, job replacement if an individual becomes unemployed, and on the job coaching. Staff support participants by conducting mock interviews and assisting with online job searches and resume building. Clients who are already employed receive monthly onsite job coaching services.

151 Lawrence St., 4th Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11201

Work Readiness
The Work Readiness program meets clients at their specific level. Those ready for work are helped to find jobs, others receive basic vocational training, and others are placed in internships, receiving specialized support where they can begin to build basic skills.

151 Lawrence St., 4th Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11201
718.310.5600 ext. 5804

Housing Services

Individualized Residential Alternatives (IRA)
IRA provides room, board and personalized service options to individuals living with disabilities. Staff is on-site 24 hours, 7 days a week to offer support by offering life skills training, community integration activities, and medical monitoring.

1825 Atlantic Ave., Office 1, Brooklyn, NY 11233

Individual Supports and Services (ISS)           
ISS is a housing subsidy program that provides funds to pay for housing for adults with intellectual disabilities who desire to live on their own with minimal staff support. On a limited basis, ISS supplies funds to pay for food, transportation, and clothing.

1825 Atlantic Ave., Office 1, Brooklyn, NY 11233

Mental Health Services Learn More

Brooklyn Community Services Personalized Recovery Oriented Services (PROS) is a nurturing adult psychiatric rehabilitation program which fosters mental health recovery, independent living, and greater community participation. BCS PROS offers a variety of specialized services such as art therapy, Cognitive Remediation Therapy (CRT), optional psychiatric services, and more.

1310 Rockaway Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11236

Community Health and Mindfulness Program (CHAMP)
This program collaborates with government and other nonprofit agencies to provide culturally relevant suicide prevention interventions and strategies to youth and young adults. Services include individual and family counseling, enriching health and wellness activities, risk assessment and linkage to crisis care.

1310 Rockaway Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11236

Greater Heights Clubhouse
The Clubhouse provides a community environment for adults with mental illness to help them achieve their life goals. Clubhouse resources include employment, education, and housing support. The Greater Heights Clubhouse is an internationally recognized program accredited by Clubhouse International.

980 Halsey St., Brooklyn, NY 11207

Learn More

Recreational Services

Hourly Waiver Respite Program
The Hourly Waiver Respite Program provides recreational activities for individuals with intellectual disabilities and respite for their family members. Participants engage in fun-filled activities such as arts and crafts, special occasion parties, pot lucks, trips, and most notably, a bowling league that meets weekly and competes in a bowling tournament twice a year.

691 Fulton St., 2nd Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11217

Lifelong Enrichment Program
The Lifelong Enrichment Program (LEP) helps adults with intellectual disabilities aged fifty or older plan for the transition from supported employment careers into partial or full retirement. LEP guides individuals in planning for their futures and offers health services such as health assessments, screenings, and healthcare training.

691 Fulton St., 2nd Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11217

BCS works in neighborhoods impacted by systemic poverty. We strengthen communities by fostering the educational success of children, the leadership development of youth, the employment and housing stability of adults, the advancement of individuals living with disabilities, and the empowerment of seniors and families.

Brooklyn Community Services

151 Lawrence Street, Floor 4
Brooklyn, NY 11201

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